Friday, June 1, 2007

Introduction and Short Bio

Welcome to my first blog. My name is Janine Henry and I am brand new to the world of blogging. I have read some other people's blog but this is my first. I would like to introduce myself for starters. I am 27 years old and I have lived in New York my entire life. So far I have had a couple different careers since graduating college. I graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelors degree in animal science. My dream was always to work with animals. I worked as a vet tech for a year and did not enjoy it. My mother knew I wanted to change careers so she suggested I go into teaching. She saw an add in the paper for Manhattan College Jumpstart program for teaching. So, I checked it out and two years later I graduated with my masters degree in education. I got a job as a fifth grade teacher in the South Bronx. I have currently been teaching for 4 years. My school received a grant for a beautiful Robin Hood Library and I applied for the job and here I am becoming a future librarian.

I am currently a graduate student at Syracuse University on the way to receiving my masters in information and library science. I am taking a class and one of the assignments is to start and maintain a blog. I hope everyone out there in information land will work with me.


Jasper John R. said...

Dear Ms. Jasper Janine,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts now and in the future. Hopefully you'll get an "A" in your course. (Does spelling count? "add" and "ad". I r an injineer!) I have an ezine for capturing Jasper News in which I feature Jasper Bloggers that I found. SO maybe our fellow alums will drop by. Hope your blog accomplishes all your objectives. (A blog is really nothing more than a website with really fresh content.) You may want to consider clients to the blog , so that you can prepare offline and batch upload.

Hope this helps,

Ferdinand John Reinke
Manhattan College Alumni - Class of 1968
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
Jasper Jottings web site =>
Jasper Jottings Sports =>
Webform that creates an urgent email =>
Web page =>
My blog =>
My LinkedIn url =>

Janine Henry said...

Thank you for being my first comment. I made a mistake in my post. I attended Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. Thank you for the encouragement.

Unknown said...

Hi Janine!

I'm Melody, your blogging mate at Syracuse University. Much success this term. I will comment later this week on your blog. Until then, happy blogging!