Thursday, July 12, 2007


This week we have been discussing webxact. This is an evaluation tool for anyone to use to evaluate a website. In addition, I have learned that it takes so many different elements to correctly and accurately evaluate a website. The webxact tool, I feel should not be used in isolation. First, we need to learn how to evaluate a website on our own, without using any tools. Then we can use these tools to reinforce whether or not a website is reliable.
One of the most important things we should be teaching our students is how to evaluate not only websites but all information. We also need to teach our students that Google is not the end all be all of researching and finding information.
By only using these evaluation tools, they can sometimes make mistakes. People make mistakes and so does technology. We, as educators need to be knowledgeable about reliable information and pass this knowledge to our students.

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