Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Educational Websites To Use With Digital Camerashttp://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/gadgets.html

Hello all! This is our last week of blogging. For my second to last post, I found some great educational websites on how to use digital cameras either in the library or classroom settings. I hope you all find these useful and appreciate any comments that you may want to share. This process of blogging has been interesting and I have learned a great deal.






www.makingwaves said...

Thanks for the websites resources. I looked at the Discovery.Com it was very interesting. I will file these resources in my teachers resource list.
I know we will incorporating this too into our lessons in time.

Ahenryst said...

Thanks for the list of Resources. Clearly digital cameras are a big part of classroom and other educational activities in today's world. As a high school teacher, I know that we still have to be very careful when allowing kids to use them. The activites must be monitored because unfortunately, the students can be a little too creative sometimes.

Unknown said...


All your sites present very practical ideas for using digital cameras in the classroom. I particulary find schooldiscovery.com to be very resourceful and often explore this site for many ideas/resources. Using digital cameras to teach visual literacy caught my attention since this has been one of the aspects of literacy we explored in one of our classes. I think the use of digital cameras has so much potential in teaching literacy in general, including motivating students to develop their reading and writing skills.

Thanks for the resources!